
About Bookmi

Bookmi was founded in 2015 and since then has grown to become one of the most-preferred cab services in France. They provide services like that of event transportation, airport transfers, and premium business rides in many countries.


Bookmi is rapidly expanding as it is adding many cities into its list. All over those cities, Bookmi provides top-notch cab services with professional drivers and a large range of cabs.

Problems faced by the client

Our client Bookmi was facing a series of challenges in their business. These challenges are described as below.


Lack of payment gateway

The first challenge was the lack of payment gateway. This was a huge challenge since it ruled out the possibility of online or cashless transactions.

Inefficient calculation of complex transactions

Bookmi had many corporate customers as well as non-corporate customers. For corporate customers Bookmi used to take payments in advance. Afterwards they used to pay the driver based on the number of rides completed by him. These types of rides were called non on-board rides.

For the non-corporate rides, Bookmi used to pay drivers after the end of every ride. These rides were called on-board rides. So, Bookmi had to keep a record of all the drivers’ on-board and non-on-board rides and pay them accordingly. This was a complex task and was done manually.

Absence of reports & analytics

Another business challenge was that our client’s system only displays records of drivers and customers. It didn’t provide them with any vital data or business insights that can help them to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Absence of a dispatcher app

And the last challenge was that they didn’t have a dispatcher app, due to this, the cab booking process was not convenient and fast.

Bookmi wanted to expand its business by collaborating up with restaurants, airports, malls, etc. However, in an absence dispatcher app, this task was really difficult.

Challenge that we faced

Delivering a solution that resolves all the Bookmi’s challenge was a tough task as we faced many challenges in the process. The first biggest challenge was to develop a dispatcher app. A dispatcher app that simplifies the cab booking process for Bookmi’s clients. We had to ensure that with dispatcher app, anyone dispatcher present at a restaurant, airport, or mall can easily and instantly make a cab reservation for a rider.

Bookmi had different pricing model for its different clients. For example, few clients paid in advance, while others paid at the end of the month. Then there were some clients who paid at the end of every ride. We had to ensure that our solution manages all different pricing model seamlessly by doing accurate calculations of monthly bills and driver commissions.

Yelowsoft solution: Comprehensively solving all our client’s problems

After studying all the Bookmi’s challenges we came up with a solution that seamlessly resolved all those issues. Yelowsoft’s companion driver app made their drivers life easy with features like notes, in which the driver gets vital information about the rider. This information helps immensely in his job.


Moreover, with Yelowsoft’s driver app, the driver will finally get to know about the nature of ride, i.e. whether it’s an on-board or not on-board ride. Earlier, there was no proper way for the drivers to determine that.

We also added one major feature in the admin panel of the solution. This feature was of custom pricing. This feature enabled admin to set custom pricing for some selected rides. Which means that the admin can manually set the price of the ride other than what suggested by the pricing algorithm.

We also developed a kiosk or dispatcher app for Bookmi. This made booking incredibly easy and fast. All dispatcher has to do is fill details of the passenger and the ride request will be automatically sent to the driver.

The kiosk or dispatcher app made easy for Bookmi to collaborate with restaurants, airports, malls, and other corporate companies.

What Bookmi achieved with Yelowsoft?

Within the few days of deployment our clients started seeing the transformation. Our solution totally streamlined all their business operations which saved a lot of their time. Similarly, they also saw a drop in the overall cost.

With a robust admin panel, they were able to manage all the transactions that include driver commission, incentives, penalties and taxes.

Our clients were really delighted and satisfied with our service. You can hear it straight from the horse’s mouth in the below video.

Our solution also provided vital data in the form of graphs and pie charts that imparted critical business insights to our client. These data helped them to identify their strong and weak zones. With strong reports and analytics, they took insight-driven business decisions.

Our solution gave more flexibility to Bookmi as they were able to set up custom pricing for their various clients.

With the presence of kiosks and dispatcher app, now it became easy for the Bookmi’s client like restaurants, corporate companies, airports, and malls to reserve cab booking for the customers.

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